The first year that my son, daughter and I were on our own, we received gift certificates from Santa Claus Anonymous. I had just left my children’s father and an abusive domestic situation. It was a very difficult time and getting those certificates made it possible for me to give my children a bit of Christmas and a sense of normalcy to make a new start.
– Katrina C.
Ask me if I know Santa Claus Anonymous. I do. In fact, I remember when certificates were worth $5.00 and all I wanted was a pair of roller skates, but I really didn’t think it was possible. Then, thanks to a Santa Claus Anonymous gift certificate, I was able to get my skates. It made a big difference to me as a child and, as you can tell, I still remember it and am very glad that Santa Claus Anonymous was around. I hope it always will be.
– Marsha C.
I was a Santa Claus Anonymous recipient when I was younger and so were other people in my family. My mother had her own children plus six adopted nieces and nephews. Lots of times at Christmas what we needed were basics like clothes and shoes. I was third oldest and I knew the younger ones came first. But one time, I really needed shoes and the Santa Claus Anonymous certificate paid for a pair of tennis shoes. It was a big help in our situation.
– Demitrius B
The Marathon Flag Football weekend was how I first knew Santa Claus Anonymous. I was a student at Morgan University and we were up at 8 AM to play students from Loyola. We’d all gotten contributions from our friends and there we were — it was cold, but a lot of fun and a great way to lend support to a good cause. And let me tell you, the girls were just as competitive as the boys!
We wanted to win!
– Cheryl H.
There was one year when I had just gotten custody of one of my grandchildren – it was October
and none of the clothes and shoes that arrived with her fit. I had to get her necessities to wear.
That meant that when Christmas came, there was no money for any presents. When the Santa Claus Anonymous certificate came, it was just enough for me to go to Rite-Aid and get the doll she
really wanted.
– Darcell D.R.